Rating Ranong by Taking on TripAdvisor
/To say that Ranong is off the beaten path is an understatement. Yes, there's an airport here. Serviced by a single airline. With a single route. There are no theme parks. The beach is next to a fishing pier. And you can call your hotel a "resort" as long as you have a pool.
So it's not all that surprising that TripAdvisor has reviews for only 21 restaurants in this sizeable town. Heck, there are more than 21 restaurants between this dive shop and the ATM on the corner. And that's given us a mission.
Over the next three months, we're going to rate and review each and every one of those 21 establishments. Assuming they're open, that is. And assuming we can find them. Little things like street signs and addresses aren't all that important here.
We hope to correct some of the insanity you find in TripAdvisor, like this guy's proper-pronoun filled rant. And when we'e run out of those 21, we'll see if we can add a few more to the mix. You know, once we figure out how to translate Thai. Not a trivial task.