Can Beer Boost Your Language Skills?

Beer probably won't make you more articulate, but it will open international doors for you.

  • EVO: Gotta say, going through all this old, unreleased audio has been a lot of fun. I get a chance to relive some fun memories and pick out the choice bits for you. I hope you're enjoying it. Thanks for giving us a chance to spend our time collecting audio for our second season.

  • SHE: When we were in Galcia, we spent some quality time with Jose and Manu, the two guys who run Beer Lab in Santiago de Compostela. We've featured audio of them before, but this never-aired clip is about regional languages, not beer. Though we might have all had a few pints at this point in the evening. We pick up the conversation where Jose was talking about how much longer the US has been a part of the craft beer scene than Galicia...

  • [Language barrier]

  • EVO: I've no idea what Manu was talking about towards the end. ¿Habla español?, I got. The rest? No idea. But we share the language of good craft beer. Cheers from the road!

  • SHE: Funding for our endless world tour is provided, oddly enough, by postcards.

  • EVO: Give us five bucks, and we'll send you a postcard from our travels abroad every single month. Get on the list at

  • SHE: And we save a ton of money by housesitting. It's free and beats living in hotels. Want super cool people like us looking after your pets and property while you're traveling? Visit to register, either as a housesitter or a home owner. We do it, and we love it! Thanks for listening to this episode. I’m Sheila Dee. 

  • EVO: And I am Evo Terra. Our theme music is by Kevin MacLeod at All other sounds, voices, and odd bits you hear were most likely created or captured by us. Visit to get more goodness from us and to see where opportunity will take us next. Thanks for again for listening and tell a friend about us. Now would be good.

New episodes of the The Opportunistic Travelers Podcast are available every Tuesday. Of course, Tuesday can be a very different thing depending on where we are in the world. Cheers!