ShEvo vs. The World

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Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and Now Brussels In Just Two Days!

Signals from ShEvo - Newsletter #7

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There's a big difference between "being on vacation" and "traveling the world." But we're taking it as it's offered, knowing we've got many miles ahead of us.

Cheers from Belgium! 

We can scratch "stayed at a hostel" off of our bucket list. You know, that thing that most people do in their early 20s? We waited until our mid-40s. And while neither of us are likely to wax poetic about the experience -- with age comes jadedness -- we survived it well enough. And we'd probably do it again, as it's much cheaper than hotels. 

Being in downtown Copenhagen was the right call. Living 30 minutes outside the city center means at least an hour out of the day just commuting. That doesn't sound like a lot to us, as we've had commutes of 1.5 hours before. And it didn't seem like a lot while we were doing it, but when we didn't have it? Wow. What a difference!

For those who haven't (or simply don't) listened to yesterday's podcast episode, a lot of our time in downtown Copenhagen was spent meeting with local entrepreneurs in a couple different coworking spaces. There's a fantastic vibe of innovation happening in this multi-cultural city, and they greeted us with open arms.

We also rounded out the list of "must drink at" craft beer places, hitting up Fermentoren and Lord Nelson. Both were quite excellent, but Fermentorem gets an extra special note for giving us a free bottle of beer from a tasting event we'd just missed. So do we call that bad or great timing?

And now, we're just outside of Brussels, Belgium. We spent a few hours in the city on Friday, but have mostly been shut-in at the home of Sidar, a random Facebook connection of Evo's who offered up his home while we're in the city. And it's not weather that's keep us in, it's the nasty cold that Evo picked up. He was out most of yesterday, but feeling mostly human today, so we'll venture out and do some further exploring this afternoon. 

Want a postcard from us?

Sending postcards is a sort of retro fun, so we're letting others besides our nieces and nephews in on the action. Go to and sign up to to receive one of three types of postcards from us each month. The standard post card of where we've been, a personalized postcard with a hand-written message just for you, or a personalized postcard with a little something extra that we call personalized plus. 

Where we're heading next

On Tuesday, we head out on a super-fast train to England, and then hop a couple of trains through London and Stockport before we reach our final destination in Knutsford. And then it's back to work for us, as we're house sitting and caring for two dogs and three cats while their owners are bound for Australia. You know, to escape the cold. They're leaving that to us.

Signals from ShEvo is the newsletter from Evo Terra & Sheila Dee -- ShEvo. Get it? New issues are published weekly. To get more great content, including podcasts, videos, photos, blog posts, and more, check out the side bar of this page, or just visit